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99% Of People Fail To Scale In Digital Marketing Due To Lack Of Marketing Automation

...Here’s How You Can Join The Elite 1% :

BRAND NEW! Marketing Automation System

... With the secrets nobody wants you to know.....

From: Shaun Mac

Subject: Become A Super Affiliate

Dear Friend,

Since the launch of our affiliate program, Only a few short months ago, we are already paying out huge sums to some affiliates.

This month alone we have one affiliate taking home $1500. 


But what I found really shocking is that we aren't paying this to all of our affiliates, which made me start looking into average affiliate payouts, and the reading wasn't good.

The Average Affiliate Marketer Only Makes A Few Small Sales Per Month

  • Most affiliates only make one or two sales per month.

    So how can anybody survive on that tiny amount?

    Particularly with the massive inflation rate we are all currently Facing.

    And that has been keeping me awake at night.

    This isn't just a statistic.

    These are real people with families to take care of...

    Before you get me wrong, there is nothing bad about making a few affiliate sales per month. But, as the saying goes, every little helps.

    Could You Feed Your Family On Your Commissions Alone

    But I knew there was a better way.

    Imagine that you had to feed your family on just a few affiliate sales per month.

    And bear in mind that affiliate marketing has never been so easy as it is right now.

    So why isn't everybody making great sales each month?

    It's all to do with the super affiliates taking overall leader boards and closely guarding their secrets. I wanted to narrow the gap.

    To make it so that YOU don't struggle any longer to make affiliate sales.

    No Hype

    No BS

    No Email List 

    There is so much hype and BS that the 'gurus' push around affiliate marketing.

    Just the information that the super affiliates know and some secret strategies that have given me great success

    These tools and strategies are the difference between earning giant commission cheques, month in month out like clockwork, and making a few small sales.

    But I do have a selfish motive.

    I want everybody who is a super affiliate to be recommending my software.

    My thinking is wouldn't it be awesome if everybody could make more money as an affiliate?

    So I have hatched a plan.

    So I turned my secret hope into a PLAN...

    What if I could show the exact steps you would need to take to become a super affiliate yourself?

    No product, no list, no traffic, and no funnel... and then detailing EXACTLY what they would do in a simple, step-by-step process!

    • No Silly Amounts Of Money Needed

    • Not Having To Be Networking With The Correct People

    • No Need To Use 'Special Software' Beyond The Reach Of Most People

    Are you ready to boost your sales with Sales And Marketing Automation?









    We Can Only Guarantee Until The Timer Reaches Zero 

    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer for early adaptors. We can only guarantee this price until the timer hits zero

      Randy VanIttersum - Made The Switch From A Ordinary Chatbot

    • Don't just take our word for it, this is one of our early adapters who made the switch from just a plain old chatbot and saved thousands

      Mike Scott - Founder at ABC Company

    Turn Your Social Media Into Your Own Powerful Revenue Generating Machine

    We have tried and tested this system over the last 4 years. It's been a great success with online businesses, helping them to see an instant rise in their sales volume as well as profits coming into bank accounts within 2 or 3 weeks of implementation!

    Step 1: Connect 

    Connect your Chatammo to social social media 

    Step 2: Build

    Start from scratch our use one of our templates

    Step 3: Implement

    Let Chatammo automate your sales and marketing

    Get this Pre-launch Offer Now And Save

    Launch Price: $97per month

    Pre-Launch Special: $77 Lifetime Deal









    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer for early adaptors. We can only guarantee this price until the timer hits zero

    Before Chatammo Instagram Was A Nightmare

    It's no surprise that Instagram has become a constant case of having to post nonstop watching for users mentioning you, reply and pray like crazy so they'll likes your posts.

  • Posting Daily To Please The Algorithms 

  • Replying Non-Stop To Keep Engagement 

  • Checking For Mentions

  • Sending People Away To Get To Your Store

  • End the hard work with instagram
    Instagram Automation

    After Chatammo Automation The Algorithms Where Easy

  • Build your own asset - Away from the algorithm and into your list

  • Post automatically at the best times for engagement

  • Reply and comment to all posts

  • E-commerce inside of Instagram

  • Complete tracking

  • Photo manipulation

  • Massive increase in autoenagement being where the followers are 

  • Before Chatammo Facebook Was Wasting My Time

    Facebook ads are expensive and time-consuming, but it's possible to make money on Facebook without a huge ad spend. Facebook has an algorithm that drops posts from pages with low engagement rates so you have two options: keep building your audience or start investing in paid advertising campaigns where they'll appear more often than not!

  • Huge ad spends with little ROI 

  • Difficult to please algorithm

  • Constant posting and hoping for more engagement

  • Make money with facebook
    Facebook autiomations

    After Chatammo Automation Can Get Seen Market And Sell

  • Import subscribers from page

  • Complete chatbot

  • Complete automation

  • Business pages and groups

  • Built in e-commerce

  • In Depth audience finder for ads 

  • And so much more 

  • 2.4 Billion Users Of Facebook Messenger

  • Qualify Leads

  • Send Order Updates

  • Share Coupons And Updates

  • Book Appointments

  • Recover Abandoned Carts

  • Answer Customer Questions

  • Better Connections Mean More Sales

    1. ACQUIRE

  • Lead Qualification On Autopilot

  • Responsive E-Commerce

  • Build Buyers Lists Faster 

  • 2. ENGAGE

  • Build Your Following

  • Collect Feedback And Reviews

  • Share News And Updates

  • 3. SUPPORT

  • Answer All Support Questions

  • Get More Confirmed Appointments

  • Confirm Orders

  • Before Chatammo I Was Losing Money With E-commerce

    Marketers have been struggling to get customers in recent years, but with drop-off rates at an all time high it's becoming a problem for many businesses. With so many people ditching their carts before they even finish filling them up on the internet marketing scene there are tons of opportunities lost - not just financially (which is significant), but also manpower wise.

  • Huge ad spends with little ROI 

  • Customer drop off rates

  • Stop loosing money with e-commerce
    Complete ecommerce solutions

    After Chatammo Huge ROI Appear Where Your Customers Are 

  • Be where your clients are Facebook, Instagram and websites

  • Complete Retargeting

  • Worldwide payment platforms

  • So advanced can even be used as food ordering

  • Easy to set up and build

  • Can be directly integrated with WooCommerce

  • Limited Accounts Available

    I am going to be direct, straightforward and short with you. normally when I read marketing sales pages they talk about some kind of "false scarcity"... That's a tactic those use in order get you (the potential buyer)to buy now rather than procrastinate or go on my way- but today we are not going down that path! instead let’s just lay out the facts.

    FACT: You are leaving money on the table if you are not automating your systems using our product

    FACT: We are onboarding only limited number of users right now so that we can maintain the quality of support that we can provide to our early adaptors

    FACT: We can only Guarantee the pre-launch price until the timer hits zero. After that the price will be gone forever

    So the facts are that this offer is LIMITED both in NUMBER and LENGTH OF OFFER. You either act NOW and act FAST or you give it up for good.

    There are no second chances here.

    Take the advantage of this software before anyone else in the market

    Launch Price: $97 per month

    Pre-Launch Special: $77 Lifetime Deal 









    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer for early adaptors. We can only guarantee this price until the timer hits zero

    Let's see what our early customers are raving about Epic Automation

    "Thank you for my success"

    Because I do not come from a technical background, I didn't know how to begin, but Shaun never failed to make videos that taught us and added value. Within a short period of time, I was making flows and had clients. Shaun has added even more to Chatammo in recent months, making it even more valuable. I've been able to save over $150 by canceling other products, such as a social media posting app and Canva.

    Additionally, Shaun gave us so many free templates for chatbots and taught us how to use them. Recently, I have gained several more clients to help them create landing pages that lead to their chatbots, which will increase ROI, customer retention, and lead generation.

    This was all possible because of Shaun and Chatammo!!!!

    Angel Baney

    "Best Marketing System"

    "Well, I have a Chatmatic account, but truly love Chatammo better. It has everything I need to run a successful campaign. Whether it's ecommerce, a hiking company, a fitness company, or anything I set my mind to.Thanks Shaun for building this platform."

    JC Cohn.

    "Always there to help"

    "Hey Shaun Mac do you ever do something for yourself?

    I mean Anything, that we don't benefit from?

    You're amazing. The value you provide is above amazing.

    I hope you get time to invest in yourself and your wife too, cause both are you are totally worth it."

    Christian Tomelius.

    Here's Everything That You Get

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • Chatammo Automation Software [$97 per month Value]

    • Photo Manipulation Software [$47 per month Value]

    • Facebook Interest Finder [$77 per month Value]

    • 20 Most Profitable Chatbot Templates  [$1,140+ Value]

    • Weekly Business Building Lives with The Founder [$2000+ Value]

    • Marketing Manifesto 3 Volumes And growing [$69+ Value]

    • Linkedin Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Twitter Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • WordPress Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Facebook Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Facebook Auto-Comment [$49 per month Value]

    • Instagram Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Instagram Auto-Comment [$49 per month Value]

    • Facebook User Import [$197+ Value]

    • Business Comparison [$197+ Value]

    Total Value: $19,774

    Launch Price: $97 per month

    Pre-Launch Special Price: $77 Lifetime Deal

    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Chatammo Works For Any Business

    Real Estate

    Marketing Agency




    Law Firm







    Affiliate Marketers


    Real Estate 

    And Many More...

    STOP FAILING FORWARD... It’s Time To Take Control Of Your Destiny And SPEED Towards True Success

    From: Shaun Mac


    United Kingdom

    Dear Entrepreneur:

    Let's cut the chit chat, and get to it.

    We had an idea to create a new system that would replace the software we were using in our agency and once developed we then started to implement the systems that were possible across many different niches.

    Now we are bringing our system to entrepreneurs like you, so you are no longer leaving money on the table and worrying that you aren't doing your marketing right.

    I started building out this system because of my own needs. And have perfected it over years. So, I know this platform will help your business grow well into the future.

    This is your chance to be an early mover on this innovative automation software.

    The Chatammo system generates proven sales, and marketing helping our user's profit faster.

    Now, I'd love to help you too with this system, so that you can take your business to the next level.

    shaun mac

    Shaun Mac

    Founder of ChatAmmo

    Ready To Automate Your Online Sales And Marketing?

    Let's put some nitro in your online system and take it to the next level!

    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • You could achieve rapid sales and you could do it FASTER and EASIER than you thought possible with ChatAmmo. Which is both fast and easy.

    And it all starts with taking the RIGHT STEP forward today.

    Here're The 3 Core Principles On Which Epic Automation Is Built

    Your Own Online Eco-System

    With chatammo you can start building your own customer base, meaning that these are assets that you own, you are no longer dependant on any algorithms.   

    • Your own fully independent sales lists  

    • Using algorithms to build your own assets

    • Step away from crowded marketing and sale into your own blue ocean

    Build your lists and stand out from the crowd

    Complete Automation Of Social Media

    Automating your social media freeing up your time and building your profits

    • Algorithm pleasing posting without the hassle

    • Posts set up in advance

    • Auto comment and Auto reply to increase engagement 

    • Conversational marketing solving the problems your prospects have

    Sell Where Your Buyers Are 

    No more ad spend trying to reach your perfect customers, we put your store where they already are with full tracking throughout

    • Facebook and Instagram store

    • Worldwide payment systems

    • Various currency and languages

    • Easy and quick to build with no coding knowledge

    Ecommerce for facebook and instagram

    Here's More Details On What Do You Get When You Buy Chatammo Today!

    Chatammo complete marketing software solution


    The most advanced easy to use marketing automation platform around,  automation for sales and marketing. Increasing profits and visablity

    ($97 per month Value)

    Best photo manipulation software


    Not one but two photo manipulation softwares, to make sure you are always putting out the very best images, to engage and sell

    ($47 per month Value)

    hidden interest finder for facebook


    Write the main points about this product here so that it helps the visitor make a buying decision. You can write the main features of this product and how that helps address the main pain points of your target audience, in a few words.

    ($47 per month Value)

    free chatbot templates


    No need to start from scratch we have put together our highest converting chatbot template that you can install with one click

    ($1,140 Value)

    weekly live training in digital marketing


    The very best digital marketing training around, complete Q&A the hacks that have brought us success and so much more 

    ($2,000 Value)


    The best training for digital marketing around, giving you the solution to your digital marketing woes. one and for all.

    Also with PLR rights 

    ($69 Value)

    Linkedin Autoposting


    Get your B2B offers out where your ideal clients are and get the Linkedin algorithm working for you 

    ($39 per month Value)

    Twitter auto posting


    Get seen more with our Twitter posting feature making sure you are getting the traffic and pleasing the algorithms

    ($39 per month Value)

    Wordpress automation by chatammo


    Post to the most popular website builder in the world and let us take care of the consistency Google is looking for 

    ($39 per month Value)

    Facebook autoposting by chatammo


    Set and forget for all of your facebook posts, set one day a month and automate your complete Facebook engagement

    ($79 per month Value)

    instagram automation


    Automating and truly monetizing your Instagram with so many more ways to interact and bring in more clients 

    ($79 per month Value)

    import your followers


    Everybody who has wrote to your page in the past can now be your brand new leads

    ($179 Value)

    instagram automation


    Start your own agency by showing clients how they are competing with their rivals, we will show you how 

    ($179 per month Value)

    To be honest we should charge a minimum of $4,000 for all these (including the Software and the Bonuses)

    Higher ROI On Facebook Ads

    Chatammo helps you acquire new customers with Facebook Ads, reducing acquisition costs by up to 9X.

    It's easy - just use Click-to Messenger ads that send prospects into your personal conversation where they can be qualified and then converted into paying clients!

    Added to that our interest finder makes sure you have laser targeting on your audience with no more wasted ad costs

    Here's Everything That You Get

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    Not Sure If It's Worth $77?

    Here’s Just A Few Things You’ll Achieve When You Invest In EPIC AUTOMATION Today...

    • Installing the automation software along will stop your traffic leakage and will convert 50% more visitors to customers. In just 1 day (in fact in just a few hours) you can make up for the cost you are paying today.

    • With the right complete automation you know you are never neglecting a prospect again

    • With our integrated e-commerce you can be where your prospects are, and increasing revenue.

    • You will get Priority Support for any issues related to your system. This will help you move faster with system automation and it's related issues.

    So, instead of charging for all these benefits, which is worth over $19,000, we are giving it for almost nothing....

    Pre-Launch Special: $77 

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • Chatammo Automation Software [$97 per month Value]

    • Photo Manipulation Software [$47 per month Value]

    • Facebook Interest Finder [$77 per month Value]

    • 20 Most Profitable Chatbot Templates  [$1,140+ Value]

    • Weekly Business Building Lives with The Founder [$2000+ Value]

    • Marketing Manifesto 3 Volumes And growing [$69+ Value]

    • Linkedin Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Twitter Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • WordPress Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Facebook Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Facebook Auto-Comment [$49 per month Value]

    • Instagram Auto-posting [$39 per month Value]

    • Instagram Auto-Comment [$49 per month Value]

    • Facebook User Import [$197+ Value]

    • Business Comparison [$197+ Value]

    Total Value: $19,774

    Launch Price: $97 per month

    Pre-Launch Special Price: $77 Lifetime Deal

    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • How Can we have Such A Powerful Guarantee

    Because we know what we have is so special

    Do You Have A Guarantee?

    You Bet. Matter Of Fact,

    I Have THREE Guarantees For You


    100% guarantee that you'll love this Software And Trainings

    That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Even if you have upgraded. Just email me and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

    And if you decide at ANY time that you don't want to be a subscriber any more, you can cancel anytime, and keep the cool package of stuff we sent you!  

    We guarantee support. We know the entrepreneurial journey can get lonely, with plenty of bumps and unforeseen turns...That's why if you have any questions or hang-ups on how to use the marketing material in your business, or need help with a strategy, you'll be able to reach our team of marketing professionals via email and receive a response within a 24-hour period

    Our Satisfaction Guarantee

    Use us for a full 12 months. And if you STILL don't experience transformative results in your business with the strategies taught we teach... and you've given my team and I the chance to personally help you... then I will still refund your initial investment.

    Is It Safe To Use On Instagram And Facebook?

    Yes we are proud to be licensed by both Instagram and Facebook

    Are My Flows Secure?

    Security it a tope priority, and we take it very seriously, everything that you do within chatammo is secure.

    How Long Are Your Contracts?

    We don't have any contacts in place so you are free to leave whenever you would like.

    If I have questions Can I Talk To Somebody?

    Not only do we have a full team of tec's with us we also have our CEO who is doing lives within the group three times per week and who is happy to answer and questions

    Do I Have To Install Anything?

    No we host everything for you so you have no worries

    Can You Handle The Load

    Yes we have dedicated servers that we spend a lot of money on to make sure everything goes smoothly with your marketing

    Who Owns The Data/Content/subscribers

    You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. Chatammo doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. Chatammo is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!

    Don't Want To Read The Whole Thing?

    Here's A Gist Of Everything You Need To Know

    • We are doing a Pre-Launch Sales of the software Epic Automation at A HUGE DISCOUNT.

    • The total value including the software and the bonuses is more than $19,000

    • We can only guarantee this price for a limited time, until the timer hits Zero, this price will be never offered ever!

    Launch Price: $1997

    Pre-Launch Special Price: $77









    Yes, I Want To Get Epic Automation!
  • Your transaction is 100% secured.

  • © 2022 Chatammo. All Rights Reserved.