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"The Most Incredible System Ever Designed To Help You Make Maximum Money With Instagram In Minimum Time".

When You Get Our FREE Software We Want To Give You Our Complete Training, And Our Instagram Secrets Book - That's $197 Month Value FREE!

What My Users Are Saying

Primary reason for anyone getting themselves a SaaS subscription or not is the support.

Besides everything Chatammo does more than other chatbot softwares the feeling of having quick available support from Shaun beats any chatbot software company out there. (even if hypothetically Chatammo had less features)

I hope he's planning to continue the support in order to handle a huge number of upcoming Chatammo subscribers.

I have experience listening to crickets for weeks when reaching support with Chatammo competitors even when I was on a recurring subscription with them

Chatammo is the most advanced chatbot marketing system on the market, yet cheaper than competitors. You'll also get SO much value from Shaun; free website and funnel templates, free training, chat flow templates, swipe e-mails and more. It's a no-brainer, really.

It's better, cheaper and sexier 

When I first discovered the world of Chatbots, I was blown away by the flows, the nurturing, the information, and the service you could offer a potential client. As I researched several platforms, I decided that Chatammo would help me grow on Social Media, not only with bots, but also in many other ways.

Because I do not come from a technical background, I didn't know how to begin, but Shaun never failed to make videos that taught us and added value. Within a short period of time, I was making flows and had clients. Shaun has added even more to Chatammo in recent months, making it even more valuable. I've been able to save over $150 by canceling other products, such as a social media posting app and Canva.

Additionally, Shaun gave us so many free templates for chatbots and taught us how to use them. Recently, I have gained several more clients to help them create landing pages that lead to their chatbots, which will increase ROI, customer retention, and lead generation.

This was all possible because of Shaun and Chatammo!!!!

Thank you for my success!!

Every Business and Entrepreneur Needs Instagram In Their Business 

From Influencers To Bricks and Mortar Stores

From: Shaun Mac

Durham, United Kingdom

Dear Entrepreneur:

Let's cut the chit-chat and get to it. 

If want to increase profits, at will... and flood your calendar with MORE customers... how about converting more cold customers into leads, and all of the time growing your Instagram.

What about if you could also be selling more affiliate and e-commerce products (even if you are still a little green around the ears when it comes to online sales).

Who Is Shaun Mac

Shaun Mac is the CEO of Chatammo the most advanced and user focused marketing system around today. 

Shaun has decided the customer should always come first and has structured his entire business around that one guiding principle

Would You Like To Have More Freedom While Growing Your Instagram.

Do What You want When You Want  

Then stay right here, because within this offer I'll show you how to apply the key "foundational principles" taught by the leading gurus in Instagram Growth And Profit.

PLUS! I'm going to show you how you can get your hands on over $297 per month worth of bonuses absolutely FREE!

Now I know what you are thinking, why would somebody give something away so valuable, FOR FREE?

After all, if it's FREE then it can't have much value to it, right?

So I want to be 100% honest with you...

I'm doing this for two reasons:

Reason #1 - I know that we have the very best software around, and that if you do as I have done and implement the software, you will see incredible growth within your business, practically overnight. Regardless of any niche you are in.

Reason #2 - I want you to get hooked on our software, just like many more have. So I am shamelessly bribing you to become a chatammo fan and spread the word. And to be honest, if I can help you generate, more leads.... more profit..... more sales....and more time to spend with family and. hobbies.... you'd be crazy not to take it right?

An Important Question

Are You fed Up Of Going From Tactic To Tactic?...

Do You Want A Business That Thrives...

..No Matter The Economic Climate Or Next Algorithm Update?

I did, many years ago long before Chatammo was around people were spending hours trying to trick the Instagram algorithm into growing Instagram pages.

But all these tactics soon became obsolete as Instagram changed its algorithms to get rid of what they considered cheats.

Back then, the Internet was swarming with these "flash in the pan" gurus that would showcase their latest "tactic," which would eventually die off and it was back to square one...

I was done jumping from shiny thing to shiny thing... chasing "what's working" without giving a second thought as to "why"...

That's around the same time that Facebook released its APIs to its trusted developers, developers like us at chatammo.

And then I watched as a whole load of new gurus started preaching around methods with various software on how it could be done in some strange convoluted way.

Then I Noticed Something

What if rather than trying to argue with the algorithms that only give us 6% viewing we instead, gave the algorithm everything it wanted and turned all of that into automatons.

Meaning we could leave our software doing the hard work while we got on with what mattered to us. And still personalise everything

Quickly Create Beautiful 

Sales Flows

That Convert Your Visitors Into Leads

What You Can Do With Our Software

​Guide your visitors step-by-step through the entire sales process (so they don’t get confused or LOST, and leave)​

Point your customer straight to the ONE product or service they need most to help solve their problem

​Follow-up with your visitors, even after they leave your page!

With The New Features In Instagram, You Can Now Automate Your Posts And Gain More Followers.

Chatammo is the future of automation.

No coding required, it's as simple and easy to use for your Instagram account with one tap options that will automate everything from marketing campaigns all way down into customer support processes!

Increase Product Sales

Help your customers find the right product in Instagram DMs by automatically answering their questions and creating quizzes for them.

Then, send users to point of purchase.

Qualify Leads

Reach more prospects by qualifying leads with automated conversations.

Collect and store emails, phone numbers, social media usernames or any other data you may need to quickly get in touch when it’s critical that your message be heard!

Finally break away from the algorithm

Increase Engagement

Give your business a social media makeover with giveaways, promotions and contests to increase the number of followers you have.

Make it easy for people who enjoy talking about what they're interested in doing by using messaging-powered campaigns.

Instant Support

Customer satisfaction is important to us.

That's why we've automated your customer support answers so that you can spend more time on what matters most - making their lives better!

Increase Instagram engagement

Some Of ChatAmmo's Instagram Features

We have jam-packed Chatammo with the very best features to catapult your instagram, features that we know our clients need

Flow Builder

Conversations sell, and with our flow builder you can easily build conversations and rapport, customise text, media, and destination, and launch your chat experience without any coding knowledge.


Trigger entire automated conversations and business automations, with pre determined keywords or phrases, giving your subscribers the information they want

Perfect Integrations

Many of the very best integrations already built right into chatammo, ready for you to become omnipresent.

Live Chat

We know there is always plenty of room for the personal touch and thats why we have included our very own live chat feature, answer your dm's automated, via or live chat, or simply with your Instagram account. 

From The Algorithm To Your List

Building an asset you own is singularly the most important thing you can do for your business, Chatammo makes it easy for you to collect subscriber information, and add it to your automations to take back control over your marketing.

Ice Breakers

Answer FAQ's and help your new subscribers get to the answer they want by adding them as ice breakers within your chatammo.

Story Mentions

Reply instantly to anyone who mentions your account in their story, send a thank-you message or a complete conversation. The choice is yours

Reply To Insta Comments

Pages with more engagement get shown by the algorithm more, thats why we help you increase engagement using our reply tool for insta comments.

Chatammo is an official partner of Facebook and Instagram

Instagram DM Automation is 100% Instagram approved and safe to use!

Yes, I Want To Test Drive Chatammo Now
Get a 14 day trial to chatammo and get all of our bonuses FREE


I Wanted To Do Whatever It Took To

Push You Over The Edge And Sign Up Today

Listen, I know these teachings and software can transform any business overnight.

That's why I'm not holding back and throwing in

MORE high-level marketing material... completely FREE!


When You Sign Up Today:

Here's Everything That You Get

This Is A Limited Time Offer

  • Chatbot [Manychat $65 pm]

  • E-commerce [Shopify $24 pm]

  • Email Autoresponder  [Activecampaign $139 pm]

  • Facebook Advanced Interest Finder [Cactivate $99 pm]

  • Photo Manipulation [Adobe Lightroom $9 pm]

  • SMS Automation [$39 pm]

  • Twitter Auto-posting [$39 pm]

  • WordPress Auto-posting [$39 pm]

  • Facebook Auto-posting [$39 pm]

  • Facebook Auto-Comment [$39 pm]

  • Instagram Auto-posting [$39 pm]

  • Instagram Auto-Comment [$39 pm]

  • Facebook User Import [$197]

  • Business Comparison [$27 pm]

Total Value: $833 Per Month

Todays Price From $17 Per Month 

Yes, I Want To Test Drive Chatammo Now
Get a 14 day trial to chatammo and get all of our bonuses FREE
  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • Gift #1

     Insider Community 

    Find and network with the best entrepreneurs around within our facebook group, where all of your questions can be answered and help provided, a true community of people just like you 

    Gift #2

     Bi- Weekly Lives 

    Keep up with the latest marketing news and have all your questions answered on our recorded live broadcasts were we answer any questions you might have regarding your marketing

    Gift #3

     Complete Digital Marketing Training 

    Unlike any other training you have seen before we deep dive into what it takes to get you the success that you deserve within your digital marketing, Step by Step

    Gift #4

     Personalised Marketing Cheat Sheets

    Unlike any other training you have seen before we deep dive into what it takes to get you the success that you deserve within your digital marketing, Step by Step

    Gift #5

     Email Swipes 

    The money is in the lists and that's why we have included our very own swipes within our free gifts to make sure you can continue to make money long into the future

    Gift #6

     Affiliate Mastermind 

    Learn how to become a super affiliate with the correct training and see how you can sell products no matter what the value is 

    Gift #7

     Lead Magnets 

    Build your ideal audience with our exclusive lead magnets tailored to their needs so that you can build your lists faster. And all yours FREE 

    So What's The Catch?

    Like I said in the beginning, I'm giving you this insane gift as a bribe, to prove that we have the best software and training

    Why would I do this? 

    Well, there are actually a few reasons...

    1. It's my way of getting this into your hands so that you can begin to enjoy it. No matter where you have come from I am grateful and wanted to do something truly special.

    2. I see so many people following flash in the pan schemes, and I genuinely don't want to see anybody else heading towards another shiny object. There's no way we can do this forever, but right now you have a chance to lock in this HUGE discount FOREVER!

    3. I'm not a "guru," I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I have a real business online selling software and services, as well as several bricks and mortar businesses) This means I can do what many can not, I can share all of my best stuff, without holding anything back.

    4. I get to put my software and training in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is then you will get excited about other stuff that we have, and might even become an affiliate for me. 

     Time Is Running Out 

    This is a FREE offer, but even inside of that, there is REAL scarcity that you need to be aware of...

    Hosting costs a small fortune to run such an expansive software and so I never want to have to let my clients down. This offer is 100% FREE. But I am also running a ONE PAYMENT LIFETIME DEAL TOO so both of these deals will be coming to an end shortly

    "Do you have a guarantee?"

    You Bet. Matter Of Fact,

    I Have THREE Guarantees For You


    100% guarantee that you'll love this Software And Trainings

    That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Even if you have upgraded. Just email me and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

    And if you decide at ANY time that you don't want to be a subscriber any more, you can cancel anytime, and keep the cool package of stuff we sent you!  

    We guarantee support. We know the entrepreneurial journey can get lonely, with plenty of bumps and unforeseen turns...That's why if you have any questions or hang-ups on how to use the marketing material in your business, or need help with a strategy, you'll be able to reach our team of marketing professionals via email and receive a response within a 24-hour period

    Our Satisfaction Guarantee

    Use us for a full 12 months. And if you STILL don't experience transformative results in your business with the strategies taught we teach... and you've given my team and I the chance to personally help you... then I will still refund your initial investment.

    Here's What To Do Next...

    From here it's just finalising the details and getting your gifts ready to be shipped out!

    Click on the green button below right now, pick what subscription plan you want to be on, and we can finally get started!  

    Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can't wait to get our new member welcome package into your hands!

    Yes, I Want To Test Drive Chatammo Now
    Get a 14 day trial to chatammo and get all of our bonuses FREE

    How Can we have Such A Powerful Guarantee

    Because I know what we use and teach works. 

    Here Are A Few Other FAQs We Get A Lot

    Is It Safe To Use On Instagram?

    Yes we are proud to be licensed by both Instagram and Facebook

    Are My Flows Secure?

    Security it a tope priority, and we take it very seriously, everything that you do within chatammo is secure.

    How Long Are Your Contracts?

    We don't have any contacts in place so you are free to leave whenever you would like.

    If I have questions Can I Talk To Somebody?

    Not only do we have a full team of tec's with us we also have our CEO who is doing lives within the group three times per week and who is happy to answer and questions

    Do I Have To Install Anything?

    No we host everything for you so you have no worries

    Can You Handle The Load

    Yes we have dedicated servers that we spend a lot of money on to make sure everything goes smoothly with your marketing

    Who Owns The Data/Content/subscribers

    You do! Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. Chatammo doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. Chatammo is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content!